New York Fashion Week Casting
Join us for an OPEN Casting Call for NYFW! Get selected to walk for designers from around the globe! All shapes, sizes, and experiences welcome to attend.
When: February 5, 2020: Wednesday
Where: TWStudios: Chelsea
151 West 26th Street, Sixth Floor
New York, NY 10001
(Between Sixth and Seventh Avenues)
Show Dates: Must be Available to walk on either or all, February 7, 8, and 9th.
Who: Male and Females ages 5-Adult
Size/Height: All sizes and Heights welcome to audition
Dress Code: All female models please wear black fitted pants/leggings, and black fitted tank top. Male models please wear black fitted pants and black shirt with black shoes. Female models ages 16-Adult, please wear strappy heels (NO Wedges). Child Models can wear flat shoes.
What to Bring:
-COMP Card and/or Headshot to LEAVE with casting directors. Please make sure it has your NAME, AGE, Clothing Size and/or measurements, PHONE NUMBER, E-MAIL ADDRESS, and INSTAGRAM handle (if applicable).
-PLEASE note dates you are available to walk if selected, on the back of your headshot (February 7, 8, and/or 9th).
-Your BEST Walk!
-Your BEST attitude!
Please pre register and pay your $35 registration fee to hold your spot. Only the first 300 models will be seen so register early!